Friday, October 22, 2021

October 19th - 22nd


We have been learning about teen numbers in math. 10+1=11, 10+2=12 etc.... We have been using the Montessori material to understand the concept of the teen numbers and playing games like Tic-Tac-Teen. We are also practicing subitizing. Subitizing is when you look at a number of objects and automatically know how many there are without even counting. We practiced our subitizing using dice and dominos and by playing the game Splat!


Language Arts

This week we focused our attention on the letter Rr and Hh and the sounds they make.  During Daily 5 students have been working on writing; either labeling their spooky pictures they drew or writing their very own Halloween comic strips. We also did a journal entry where the students wrote about what Mrs. Proctor should be for Halloween. Suggestions from students in their journals ranged from me dressing up as a pumpkin, a black cat, a fairy, and even a witch. You will all have to wait until October 29th to find out what I decide to dress up as! 


In Science, during the month of October, we are doing a mini unit on pumpkins. So far we have done a comparison between our pumpkins in the class. Using a Venn diagram we discussed and recorded the similarities and differences of two of our pumpkins.  We also did a scientific sketch of our pumpkins and will be labeling them next week. In the following week, we will be learning about the life cycle,  parts of a pumpkin, making predictions of how heavy the pumpkins are and estimating how many seeds are inside. 


Social Studies

In social studies, we continue to learn about our families. Thank you to everyone who filled out the yellow form that was sent home to do together.  The past week, we have been discussing what foods are special in our families.  In class, we viewed 5 different families and learned a little about their cultures and their traditional food favourites. We then shared and discussed what our family likes to eat.  

We have also been discussing who is part of our family. The students drew their very own family tree. As we viewed each other's family trees we discussed how are families are the same and different. 

 Move-ember Challenges

November is movement month at LBS! We are encouraging students to be active throughout the winter with a movement challenge for move-ember :).


Students are encouraged to keep track of their movement minutes outside of school time from November 1-30. The class that earns the most movement minutes at the end of the month will earn a special reward! Please support your child in tracking their movement minutes. A hardcopy tracking sheet will be sent home on October 29th. 


Let’s encourage each other to be active and healthy! See the video for more information about our at school and at home challenges for the month.


Lake Bonavista School will be having some happy Halloween fun on Friday, October 29th. Students are invited to wear their costume or black and orange on this day. In addition, we will be having a parade with our cohort!

Please remember:

-no face masks (except our daily cloth/disposable masks)

-no weapons

-students need to wear their costume to school and should be comfortable to sit in and participate in activities for the entire day


Lake Bonavista School Council is currently running "Freezer Feastival" fundraiser. This fundraiser is open until November 19 @11pm. Information sheets were sent home this week with your child. For more information, you can access access this link

Important Dates

October 29: Halloween dress up and school parade

November 4: Mustache Day

November 11: Remembrance Day- no school

November 12: Non - instructional Day - no school

November 19: Last day to order for the "Freezer Feastival" fundraiser 

November 25 - 26: School Conferences - more information to come

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