Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 24th-25th Classroom learning

 Hello Room 10 Families!

In social studies, we are learning about how to distinguish geographic features in our own community from other communities. Our first question we are going to explore and reflect upon is "What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community?”

What is a landmark? We viewed a few photos and came up with a definition for a landmark. It is a feature (like a building, signs, statues, and things in nature) found in a place that is easily recognized.

We then played a game to sort objects or features that are landmarks and ones that are not. The kids laughed when we had to compare a pig with a library. Which one do you think is a landmark?

In science, our "How do animals survive the winter?" unit is soon coming to a close. Everyone has been working hard finishing up their dioramas and even some have finished and taken them home. Please have your child talk about what they made and speak to what each part of their diorama represents. We look forward to our walking field trip on Thursday, January 27th at 1pm. The students are excited to get outside to learn! Make sure your child is dressed for the weather on that day.

In math, we continue to explore 2D shapes. We had fun playing Shape Detective. We used clues to figure out the secret shape by eliminating the shapes that did not go with the clues given. We enjoyed this activity so much that we came up with our own clues and had Mrs. Green figure out our secret shape. 

In Daily 5, we are working with the at family during word work and making a "How to be Kind" poster during our work on writing time.  There has been some great ideas about how we can be kind such as; share, give a gift, make a friend, be silly, say nice things, eat ice cream together, and give a hug. 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

January 17th-21st Classroom Activities

 Hello Room 10 Families,

Our first Healthy Hunger lunch was a success! The students loved the booster juice. The next lunch will be Subway on February 3rd.

We also want to introduce you to our new class pets, Sally and Mander. The students are thrilled and look forward to taking care of them.

In language arts, we are reviewing the letter/sounds Yy and Qq. Next week will be the last letter of the alphabet “Zz.”

In math, we continue to play and practice our double facts.

In science, students  have been making their diorama that demonstrates their understanding of hibernation, migration and adaptation.  The students are responsible for building 4 shelters for the animals to live and hibernate in, make 1 migrating animal, 4 hibernating animals and 1 animal that adapts during the winter. It has been a lot of fun and messy, which is always a great thing!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

At Home Activities


Hello Room 10 Families,

Here are some choice boards for you to do with your children for extra practice or if your child is home sick.

We have been working on some "No Excuse" words in class that the grade one students are responsible for learning so they can use them in their daily writing. Words we are currently working on are: my, the, a , is, it, in, to, and, that, am, I and we. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Mathematics in our Daily Lives


Hello Room 10 Families,

Please feel free to use these activities for extra practice at home or if your child is at home sick.

  • When your child is playing, take the opportunity to focus on the toys. For example, you might ask, "How many red cars do you have? How many yellow ones? How many altogether? How many are there if I take two of them to play with?"
  • Have your child help with household chores and incorporate  counting, adding, and take away as you chat together. Some examples: Setting the table: "How many forks do we need on the table? How many are in the drawer. So if I take 4 from the draw how many do we have left?"
  • Sorting laundry: "How many big socks did you find? How many little ones? How many altogether? How can you sort the pile of little socks? How many in each pile? There should be four blue socks, but I see only three. How many are missing?

  • Tidying up: "How many books did you pick up?" Here are two more; how many do you have now? I'll take these three and put them in my room. How many do you have now?
  • Involve the family in a guessing game. Have each family member guess and record how many raisins are in a small box, or how many pieces of cereal are in an individual serving box, or something similar. (Try to keep the number below 100.) When all guesses are in, ask your child to count the items, then to compare the answers and announce whose guess was closest. 
  • Have your child go around the house and count certain items and tally as they go. For example, have your child count and tally how many lightbulbs, chair legs, pictures on the wall, your choice around the house. 

  • Set up "shape hunts" where you give your child (or children) a time limit to find "three rectangles you can hold in your hand," or "four triangles you can find in your room," or similar mystery shapes. 

  • Draw a picture using 2D shapes. Record how many of each shape used.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Healthy Hunger Lunches are Back!

First order deadline is January 15th


Fun Lunch is back! Starting Thursday, January 20th Lake Bonavista School Council will be organizing a Fun Lunch every other week on Thursdays. Fun Lunch is run through a program called Healthy Hunger at www.healthyhunger.ca. Kids enjoy having a fun lunch to eat at school and parents enjoy a break from making lunch! Fun lunch is an optional event. You can begin ordering this Monday, January 10th.

Booster Juice - January 20
Subway - February 3
Little Caesars - Wednesday February 16 (Due to Teachers convention)

Account Set up

For parents who have previously had a Healthy Hunger account your login will be the same, however you will need to log in and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus.

For parents new to Healthy Hunger, you will need to create an account on the Healthy Hunger website and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus.

Ordering Lunches

Once vendors are confirmed they will be added to the calendar for your selection. You can order for as few or many days as you like. You can place and pay for orders for multiple days and multiple children all at once. Payment is done online through Healthy Hunger. No payments are made to school.

Deadline for ordering is 5 days in advance.
For Thursday meals, orders must be placed by 11:59 pm on Saturday in order to give the vendors time to order and prep.
You will receive confirmation of your order, if you do not get a confirmation email it is possible your order didn’t go through. Log back in to double check and avoid the confusion.

Cancelling an order

If you need to cancel a lunch you can do that until the cut-off period which is 5 days before each lunch and get a refund. With more absences due to symptoms cancelling in advance may not always be an option.

Lunch Delivery

On the specified day lunch is delivered to the school for the students. We will require a few volunteers to help distribute to the classes, so please ensure you are on our volunteer contact list if you are available to help.

Please remember to pack a snack and water in addition to the fun lunch order. Please pack a complete lunch if you did not order that day.

Missed Fun Lunches

For those times you miss the option to cancel, and your child won’t be there due to sickness or any other reason, we ask that you please contact the school by 11:30am on the day of Fun Lunch to choose an option.
Your options are:

  • -  Pick the lunch up by the end of the day.

  • -  Send it home with a sibling.

  • -  Donate it to the staff room.

    We are unable to give these lunches to another child without their guardian’s consent. Any lunches that are not claimed by the end of the day will be composted.

    Online schooling

    In the event your class or the whole school is moved to online learning before the cut-off date, we can cancel the orders and receive refunds. If the move online occurs within the 5 days leading up to the lunch, the process is different. If the restaurant has not begun making the orders, the orders will be cancelled and a credit for that amount will be kept in your account for another order.


    Please contact the funlunchlbs@gmail.com for any questions regarding Fun Lunch or lbsvolunteercoordinator@gmail.com regarding your volunteer status. 

January 10th -14th Learning

Language Arts

This week we have been focusing on the letters Vv and Ww and the sound they make. As a class, we brainstormed words that begin with these two letters and practiced writing lower and upper case.


We will continue to work on procedural writing in the month of January. Below is our success criteria of elements they need to have in their writing.

In December, we wrote procedures of how to make a snowman. We used ordered words first, next, then and last at the beginning of each step.

This week we are doing a procedural writing for how to make popcorn. (If your child is at home sick this week they can work on this activity) 


In math we are learning different strategies for doing addition. Our focus currently is the strategy of counting on and doubles. Counting on is where you start with the larger number in the equation and count on. Below is a youtube video to explain the concept. 

                  For extra math practice feel free to visit https://www.k5learning.com/free-math-worksheets/first-grade-1/addition  

Science (How do Animals Survive the Winter?)

This week we are learning about hibernation and migration. We brainstormed as a class what animals they thought hibernated and migrated. We learned about different homes that animals take shelter in and have their long hibernating sleep in. 

We discussed and answered these three questions during group discussions today: Why do animals migrate in the winter? ( for food, warmer weather, and for a safe and warm place to have their babies) What three ways do animals migrate? (by air, water, land), How do animals know where they are going during migration? (landmarks like forest, rivers, lakes, mountains,  and looking in the sky for stars, the sun and the moon). 

Here are a few stories and videos your children have viewed about these two topics.