Tuesday, January 25, 2022

January 24th-25th Classroom learning

 Hello Room 10 Families!

In social studies, we are learning about how to distinguish geographic features in our own community from other communities. Our first question we are going to explore and reflect upon is "What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community?”

What is a landmark? We viewed a few photos and came up with a definition for a landmark. It is a feature (like a building, signs, statues, and things in nature) found in a place that is easily recognized.

We then played a game to sort objects or features that are landmarks and ones that are not. The kids laughed when we had to compare a pig with a library. Which one do you think is a landmark?

In science, our "How do animals survive the winter?" unit is soon coming to a close. Everyone has been working hard finishing up their dioramas and even some have finished and taken them home. Please have your child talk about what they made and speak to what each part of their diorama represents. We look forward to our walking field trip on Thursday, January 27th at 1pm. The students are excited to get outside to learn! Make sure your child is dressed for the weather on that day.

In math, we continue to explore 2D shapes. We had fun playing Shape Detective. We used clues to figure out the secret shape by eliminating the shapes that did not go with the clues given. We enjoyed this activity so much that we came up with our own clues and had Mrs. Green figure out our secret shape. 

In Daily 5, we are working with the at family during word work and making a "How to be Kind" poster during our work on writing time.  There has been some great ideas about how we can be kind such as; share, give a gift, make a friend, be silly, say nice things, eat ice cream together, and give a hug. 

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